DATE : Saturday, June 28, 2025
TIMELocationEvent Activity
9:30 AM - 10:30AMCollege of Engineering, Osmania University HyderabadAssemble at the Main Building of the college for registrations and a chance to meet and greet each other over high tea.
10:30AM - 01:00 PMCollege of Engineering, Osmania University HyderabadCommon Program for all Departments Alumni - Interaction with VC and University Updates - Interaction with Principal and College Updates - Interaction with President , Alumni Association and Alumni Updates - Updates on Initiatives for continued alumni engagement - Address by Batch of 2000 (Summary and Highlights) - Felicitation of Faculty - Brainstorming on Alumni Engagement and Giving Back as a Batch of '2000 - Group Photos
1:00 PM - 2:00 PMCollege of Engineering, Osmania University HyderabadLunch
02:00 PM - 04:00 PMCollege of Engineering, Osmania University HyderabadCampus Tour Visiting Individual Departments and engaging with current students, faculty and staff

ALL DEPT MEETUP - Off Campus (D-Day)

DATE : Saturday, June 28, 2025
TIMELocationEvent Activity
6:30 PM - MidnightNovotel or Trident or Marigold (Location TBD)Casual Hangout(ALL DEPT) - Here’s what we’re planning πŸ‘• Dress Coded 🎯 Fun Events 🎢 Live Band 🍽️ Dinner and Drinks 🎭 Performances All this will be followed by dinner to wrap up the night! , Get ready for a fun, relaxed evening with lots of good vibes!

Resort MEETUP (D+1 Day)

DATE : Sunday, June 29, 2025
TIMELocationEvent Activity
3 PM - OnwardsBrownToWN Resorts Survey no 224/u , Kanakamamidi village, Hyderabad, Telangana 501504, IndiaπŸŽ‰ Casual Get-Together πŸ’ƒ Dance 🎢 Music 🍽️ Followed by Dinner Come, relax, and enjoy a fun evening